My Future Job

I would like to work in the design of books, like the cover, layout, typography, etc. Because I really love books and they designs. The method to work in the career is flexible, so I can easily do my job indoors and outdoors because I only would need, primordially my laptop and a sketchbook in hand.
I would love to travel a lot maybe It can be easy but working like a freelancer or in an editorial I could do it anyway (I hope so), and in those travels gain the knowledge for new cover and all of that, and know more places and take many pictures.
 It is hard to talk and know how many money I’m going to make in this job because it’s really variable and not of well-known in this time of work, it’s like a secret or an enigma.
I'm studying major in Visual design and I would like to study industrial design, I really loved to create things and made real the things that I'm imagining. 


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